Monday, October 03, 2005

The Claws Come Out: Conservative Voice: Harriet Miers Nomination = Bush's Abdication

Oooh, this is getting interesting. I can't wait to see where this is going.

Harriet Miers Nomination = Bush's AbdicationOctober 03, 2005 12:09 PM EST

Let me say from the outset: Harriet Miers COULD turn out to be a great justice. But the doubts far outweigh the optimism. President Bush has squandered his opportunity to fulfill his promise to name justices in the mold of Thomas & Scalia. Bush's approval ratings have sunk, not because there are more Michael Moore, Al Franken Liberals. There will never be more than 43% of those loons. His approval has sunk not because of waning support for the Iraq War, though there has been some move from uncertainty to opposition. No, his approval has declined because true conservatives are getting TIRED of the President's frequent failing to stand up for their values. He was elected by them because they felt he'd champion their cause, yet he has failed to show the backbone to stand up for them on anything but the War on Terror and Tax Cuts. Conservatives have been left shaking their heads over spending, over border security, etc.

What might now be the final straw in the President's seeming surrender to the Left is the nomination of Harriet Miers. a name floated TO him BY Harry Reid!! WHY would he nominate someone so acceptable to the opposition?? No offense to Ms Miers. but given the field of EXCELLENT KNOWN STRICT CONSTRUCTIONISTS - why would he choose this "stealth" nominee with no paper-trail and questionable loyalties, on the suggestion of the opposition?? Why won't he stand up like a man and give us a nominee that conservatives can simply FIGHT FOR!

Though I doubt that our Republican Senators would have the fortitude to do it. I'd like to recommend that they stand strong together and refuse to support Ms Miers - forcing Bush to send up another nominee. They should send the message to the White House in no uncertain terms. "Give us a known quantity, strict constructionist, judicial restraint nominee and we'll fight to get him/her thru. Send us a brokered choice 'acceptable' to Harry Reid - and we can't stand by the nomination!" Then they should invoke the so-called Nuclear Option. The right needs to exhibit some stones and flex the muscles they've been ELECTED to use.

My fantasy scenario: Bush names a REAL conservative like Janice Rogers Brown. The Senate rules are changed invoking the "nuclear option". Bush stands tall and demands his choice be approved, pulling out his unused VETO pen - and promising that lots of line items are going to start getting struck from appropriations if his nominee fails. But, alas, it's a fantasy. The President is too "wet-noodle-spined" to veto ANYTHING. The Senate is filled with RINOs who won't stand strong against liberal opposition. And if Miers doesn't get confirmed, Bush will nominate another "acceptable" choice for the left. One is therefore left only to hope that Miers herself make the shift to the right that the President himself has been unwilling to make!

Posted by crimnos @ 3:22 PM

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Thanks, I admit I'm not familiar with all the legal terms. I'm going to read up on this so I understand ahead of possible hearings.

Posted by Blogger crimnos @ 6:45 PM #
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