Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I don't know why I ever give Bush a chance. I guess I'm just a fucking moron, naive at heart. How could I ever think that the man has anything but his own fucked-up agenda at heart?That's right, stare into the fucking eyes of Satan, my friends:
That's right, instead of choosing a Moderate, George "The W is for FUCKING MORONG" Bush chose John "Baal" Roberts for the Supreme Court nomination.
Why is this bad? Oh, something like this:
As Deputy Solicitor General, Roberts argued in a brief before the Supreme Court that "we continue to believe that Roe was wrongly decided and should be overruled. The Court's conclusion in Roe that there is a fundamental right to an abortion...finds no support in the text, structure, or history of the Constitution."
John Roberts’ legal career and professional writings reveal that he is out of the
mainstream in his legal views in a number of areas, most prominently civil rights and the right to choose. His record as a member of the Bush and Reagan administrations reflects opposition to the rights of women and minorities, as well as a restrictive view of the proper role of federal courts in protecting the environment and the rights of criminal defendants. His comments about the Rehnquist Court reveal Roberts’ extremist ideology, a view confirmed by his membership in and connections to ultra-conservative legal groups.
He seems to hate First Amendment, both in speech and the recent decisions on seperation of church and state. Civil liberties, freedom, no invasion of the government into private lives... going going gone.
And I'm such a sap. Given the Bush rhetoric about this and his meetings with the Senate, I thought he might actually pull his head out of his ass and appoint a moderate. Of course I was wrong; he doesn't give a fuck about anyone but the hardcore right. What is it, 68% don't want Roe v. Wade overturned?
Oh, and here's a nice little tip to why he was chose:
Mr. Roberts is the head of Hogan & Hartson’s Appellate Practice Group
Hogan & Hartson was a big help to Bush in the Bush v. Gore 2000 debacle.
So, let's get this straight, lawyer helps fuck over an election to get a president into office, said president then puts lawyer on the Supreme Court.
The best part? He's 50, so we have at least 25-30 years of continous fucked-up decisions to look forward to. Thanks, Ms. O'Connor. Fuck you very much.
Of course, this is all to take the heat off of Rove. Hats off, fuckhead. I swear, Bush gets us down and just keeps kicking. What respect does he have for America? None, I answer.
A brief moment of silence and reflection on the times when "conservative" meant "light on spending and heavy on small government."
I only hope that this means that people will start to realize that they're being messed with, like they have been for five years, and start to mobilize. If they even pretend to make a move to strike down Roe, there will be political action the likes of which this country hasn't seen lately.
Jesus tittyfucking Christ, I need a Scotch.
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