Sunday, August 21, 2005
Abbreviate Update: Zarqawi may have Jordan front
Note: I’m in a race to the finish line with the first draft of my book now: my drop-dead for the first draft is September 1, so I’m going to be finishing that up in the next week or so. I’ll still be posting updated entries, but I may not have as much to say. Think of it as a sort-of vacation. I should be back properly on 9/1. I chose this as the first article, because it indicates just how well we're doing in the Middle East. Hint: not very well.Aqaba attack may signal new Zarqawi front in Jordan
By Suleiman al-Khalidi
AMMAN (Reuters) - A rocket attack which narrowly missed two U.S. warships in Jordan may be a signal Iraq's al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi has opened a new front against Washington's closest Arab ally, security experts said on Sunday.
The two U.S warships were likely to be carefully chosen targets, the experts said. The vessels are among those that have been regularly docking and unloading supplies in the Red Sea port of Aqaba since the U.S. led the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Jordanian intelligence experts say the attack using Katyusha rockets indicates Zarqawi may favor expanding military attacks to pro-U.S. ally Jordan to hurt Washington's war effort in Iraq.
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