Sunday, August 14, 2005
A Catalog of Crimes
Let’s review the Bush Administration’s Record, shall we?- Created an energy policy rooted entirely in the concerns of the energy industry, with no input from impartial experts.
- Declared a war on terrorism, then let the man responsible for 9/11 escape when we had him cornered.
- Signed into law a bill that removed many of the basic rights that Americans enjoy.
- Began an illegal war based on false premises. This is no longer up for debate after the Downing Street memos.
- Illegally detained hundreds, if not thousands, of people based on nothing more than an accusation.
- Fought tooth and nail to oppose the discovery of any sort of evidence in regards to these individuals.
- Explicitly allowed various methods of torture on these individuals.
- Outed a CIA agent as retribution when her husband dared to say that the Emperor had no clothes.
- Lied and prevaricated when caught in this outing.
- Refused to deal with the human side of a tragedy that is continuing to unfold.
- Supported federal intervention into the Terri Schiavo case.
- Appointed a war criminal as the head of intelligence.
- Took 50 vacations within the space of 5 years.
That’s not even counting the various terrible laws that the man has signed into action and his continued stonewalling on any other number of issues. If someone had told me five years ago that the man would get two terms based on such a record, I’d have called them insane; there was no way the American people could be so corrupt.
Funny how a few years changes things, huh?
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