Friday, September 30, 2005

The U.S. House of Representatives: Looking out for #1 since 1994

I’m absolutely devastated at this news, so I apologize if I go a bit incoherent here. I’ve blogged about this subject in the past, both here and with Jessica from Cellar Door at DailyKos, speaking about Representative Pombo’s corporate masters and how they’re driving him to gut the Endangered Species act. At the time I wanted to think that this heinous bill would never pass, but…well, never underestimate the ability of politicians to suck up to corporate interests and ignore the needs of the world around them. This is…just sickening.

Oh, and the first person today who talks about those “crazy hippie tree-huggers” is getting socked in the eye by yours truly!

From Environmental Defense (Please visit the site, they have great information on how to adopt a species and help to save those species that, apparently, our corrupt government can’t be bothered to help. I plan to do so):

Endangered Species Act Under Assault
Hastily-Approved House Bill Would Cripple Landmark Wildlife Protections

The grey wolf is one of many endangered species that has benefited from the Endangered Species Act.Thursday afternoon, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would cripple the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the 30-year-old safety net that has saved the bald eagle, the grey wolf and other rare species.
"We knew there was a good chance this bad legislation would pass the House. Our focus is now on the Senate, where we hope to find more reasonable and responsible solutions to address species protection," says Michael Bean, chair of Environmental Defense's Wildlife program and an expert on species law. (Read Environmental Defense statement on House passage of "Threatened and Endangered Species Act.")

Today's vote in the House would complicate both listing new species and implementing recovery plans for species already on the list. The losers are the nation’s bald eagles, ocelots, grizzly bears, ivory-billed woodpeckers and other endangered species.

The Senate can act more responsibly and show that conservation and development need not be at odds (see sidebar). The Senate stood between the overly-hasty House and rare plants and animals once before.

Posted by crimnos @ 8:32 AM