Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Abbreviated Entry: Bush Is Hiding the Paper Trail on Miers Too

NOTE: Junkheap is on hiatus for today; we have a situation at work and have to pull a co-worker's bacon out of the fire, so I'll part of that effort and unable to update as normal. The site will return to its normal schedule tomorrow.

What a surprise...

President, Citing Executive Privilege, Indicates He'll Reject Requests for Counsel's Documents

WASHINGTON, Oct. 4 - President Bush signaled on Tuesday that he would most likely reject any requests from the Senate for documents written by Harriet E. Miers during the nearly six years she worked in the White House before he chose her to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court.

Asked at a news conference whether he would release some or all of her legal work as White House counsel, Mr. Bush said that the principle of executive privilege was important and that any Senate request for documents would be a distraction from considering Ms. Miers's qualifications.

"I just can't tell you how important it is for us to guard executive privilege in order for there to be crisp decision making in the White House," Mr. Bush said.

Some Democrats in Congress have already indicated that they want access to documents from Ms. Miers's work at the White House. They say there is such a scant public record about her judicial philosophy and her thinking about the issues of the day that the Senate needs more information to judge her fitness for a lifetime seat on the court.

Posted by crimnos @ 8:25 AM

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I agree with the Dem's. If Bush is going to nominate his personal lawyer then we have ever right to look at here writings.

Posted by Blogger Handsome B. Wonderful @ 3:51 PM #

You're right. I'm overjoyed to see some Republicans agree, especially George F. Will. Maybe there are some folks out there with good sense after all.

Posted by Blogger crimnos @ 7:00 PM #
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