Friday, October 28, 2005
Fitzmas: Source: Libby told he�might be indicted
Today I'm going to be dedicating the Junkheap to covering only Fitzmas, unless a bomb goes off somewhere or something like that. Read last night on Kos that Fitzgerald got his shoes shined in DC yesterday and was "in very high spirits". Seems to me something is coming. Now, CNN is reporting:"Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, has been told he could face indictment in the CIA leak probe, a political source familiar with the situation told CNN.
"We have believed he will be (in jeopardy of indictment) for a week or more," the source said.
President Bush's top political strategist Karl Rove will not be indicted Friday by the federal grand jury investigating the leak of a CIA agent's identity, sources close to the investigation tell CNN. But, the sources said, Rove is not out of legal jeopardy as the matter is still under investigation.
Two lawyers involved in the case also have told CNN that the prosecutor is focusing on whether Rove committed perjury. Rove testified four times in front of the grand jury.
The New York Times reported on Friday that lawyers in the case said Libby will be charged with making false statements to a federal grand jury.
An attorney involved in the case told CNN that Patrick Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor in the investigation, is to announce the results of his probe Friday, including whether the grand jury will issue any indictments.
More as the day unfolds...
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