Wednesday, October 19, 2005
'Hidden Scandal' in Miller Story, Charges Former CBS Newsman
Quick update, as I'm very busy today. Thought I'd share this...There is one enormous journalism scandal hidden in Judith Miller's Oct. 16th first person article about the (perhaps lesser) CIA leak scandal. And that is Ms. Miller's revelation that she was granted a DoD security clearance while embedded with the WMD search team in Iraq in 2003.
This is as close as one can get to government licensing of journalists and the New York Times (if it knew) should never have allowed her to become so compromised. It is all the more puzzling that a reporter who as a matter of principle would sacrifice 85 days of her freedom to protect a source would so willingly agree to be officially muzzled and thereby deny potentially valuable information to the readers whose right to be informed she claims to value so highly.
One must assume that Ms. Miller was required to sign a standard and legally binding agreement that she would never divulge classified information to which she became privy, without risk of criminal prosecution. And she apparently plans to adhere to the letter of that self-censorship deal; witness her dilemma at being unable to share classified information with her editors.
In an era where the Bush Administration seeks to conceal mountains of government activity under various levels of security classification, why would any self-respecting news organization or individual journalist agree to become part of such a system? Readers would be right to question whether a reporter is operating under a security clearance and, by definition, withholding critical information. Does a newspaper not have the obligation to disclose to its readers when a reporter is not only embedded with a military unit but also officially proscribed in what she may report without running afoul of espionage laws? Was that ever done in Ms. Miller's articles from Iraq?
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Have you heard that there is a Pentagon TV channel?
Also, Armed Forces Network was slated to pick up moderate democrat radio show host, Ed Schultz's program until he criticized the staged press conference with Bush and the Pentagon spokesperson.
Gov't owned media is growing in leaps and bounds under Bushies.
This is all comes on the heals of course of Jeff Gannon and Armstrong Williams.
How much would it cost to invest in a punching bag?