Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Miers backed 1989 anti-abortion amendment
Wow...just, wow.Responding Tuesday to a Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire, Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers gave few clues as to whether she had developed views on constitutional issues, but in material she provided to the committee she revealed that in 1989 she had supported a proposed constitutional amendment banning abortions except when necessary to save the life of the mother.
As a candidate for Dallas city council in 1989, Miers gave her view on the proposed constitutional amendment in response to a questionnaire sent out by the Texans United for Life group.
Her view in 1989 does not indicate how she would rule on the 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion decision, if she were to be confirmed to the Supreme Court. The Roe decision made abortion legal in all states.
In 1989, supporting a constitutional ban was largely a symbolic position to take — since it was clear that the required three-quarters of the states would not ratify such a proposed amendment.
Yet any such expression of support for banning abortion could jeopardize her confirmation, since most Senate Democrats and eight Senate Republicans are on the record as saying Roe v. Wade should not be overturned, as such a constitutional amendment would do.
In her written reply to the Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire, Miers said she saw the need for judges to restrain themselves and not set policy.
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