Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Democrats Pushing Prewar Probes and Getting Them

Talk about great news. I'm giddy about this! From MSNBC...

Democrats claimed “victory for the American people” Tuesday after the Senate Intelligence Committee agreed to continue an investigation into prewar intelligence claims made by the Republicans, the Senate minority leader said.

Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., forced the Republican-controlled Senate into an unusual closed session for more than two hours Tuesday, accusing Republicans of ignoring intelligence that President Bush used before invading Iraq.

A phase-by-phase investigation will resume, Reid announced after the secret session. It will be the second stage of a probe that Democrats have been pressing for for a year.
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An appointed six-member task force — three members from each party — will review the committee’s progress and report back to their respective caucuses by Nov. 14.

Posted by crimnos @ 6:48 PM