Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Edwards Weighing Possible 2008 Bid

A quick note: I apologize if my updates are sporadic over the next few days. In addition to a bevy of personal issues, I'm also facing some tight deadlines at work, so I'll be sneaking in updates when I can.

As for this story, I say he should go for it. Last year I would have preferred to have Edwards run over Kerry, in all honesty, and would vote for the guy again; he stands for the same thing I do: taking a stand to end or at least alleviate poverty, and I like the message that he delivers.

Edwards works on possible bid in 2008


CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - John Edwards came downstairs and found 5-year-old son Jack on the floor, arranging toy trucks in a column. "What are you doing?" the former North Carolina senator asked. "Making a motorcade," came the exuberant reply.
A year after Democrats John Kerry and Edwards lost the White House election, young Jack still may think about the heady days of last fall. His father, however, has moved on - without a Secret Service escort.

-He is traveling the country, trying to rally college students to the cause of fighting poverty in the U.S.

-He is presiding over a new poverty center at the University of North Carolina.

-He is laying the groundwork for a possible return to the political spotlight as a presidential candidate in 2008.

A little bit of all three was on his mind when he made a stop at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government.

"I'm in a very forward-looking, positive state of mind," said Edwards, while hundreds of students began to assemble in a nearby common. "I mean, being able to take on a big cause in a really serious way is an extraordinary thing."

A year ago Tuesday, Edwards and Kerry, the Massachusetts senator, were in Boston, awaiting the general election results. There was uncertainty about the outcome, especially in Ohio. At 2 a.m., Kerry sent his running mate to address the waning crowd in Copley Square.

Posted by crimnos @ 8:31 AM

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I would love to vote for Edwards.

Posted by Blogger Handsome B. Wonderful @ 3:57 PM #

He's got my vote!

I dream of an Edwards/Obama ticket. Now THAT would get me pumped!

Posted by Blogger Habituelle @ 4:17 PM #

Hell yeah! I'd be all over that.

Posted by Blogger crimnos @ 4:19 PM #
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