Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Horse Race 2005: Reports from around the Commonwealth

I'm voting later today, but I thought I'd share some of what's being said by voters on other forums and how things are looking at the moment...

From Quisp on Democratic Underground:

I just got back from helping set up the polling place where I vote. It's the usual thing; people from both parties show up, set up literature tables and put signs up around the school.

The good news is the (Republican) coordinator didn't have any volunteers and left shortly after setting up his signs. He said he would be back when it got busy, but he hadn't even set up his table and chairs.

The Democratic coordinator, on the other hand, said he had a dozen volunteers scheduled over the course of the day. He said he had never had so many people volunteer.

From mlk at Daily Kos:

Well the polls in VA opened at 6 AM. I voted at 7:30 and was the ~ 240th person to vote. That's pretty good for an off year election. I heard from a neighbor that there was a line out the door at 6:30. Since I live in a fairly Dem neighborhood, I'm heartened by that.

Bush gave Kilgore a ringing endorsement last night! Amazing stuff...

"The thing I like about this fellow is he grew up on a farm," Bush said in a brief stop on his return from a South American trade mission. "He doesn't have a lot of fancy airs."

Finally, some good last-minute news from the polls:

12 hours until polls open in Virginia, Democrat Tim Kaine defeats Republican Jerry Kilgore, according to a SurveyUSA poll of 656 likely Virginia voters, conducted for WSLS-TV in Roanoke and WUSA-TV in Washington DC.

Posted by crimnos @ 8:42 AM