Sunday, November 06, 2005

Horse Race 2005: Washington Post Endorses Kaine

Okay, this is probably not a surprise, given the Democratic nature of Nothern Virginia, but I'm glad to see the paper coming out with this endorsement. Here are the best parts (via Daily Kos):

Whatever their party affiliation, Virginians of the political center should bear in mind that Mr. Kaine offers a path forward, while Mr. Kilgore represents a return to the past.


Lest we forget, Virginia's past is not a very appealing prospect. Mr. Warner's immediate predecessor, Gov. James S. Gilmore III, wedded to his anti-tax slogans, made irresponsible promises, starved the state of revenue and left a fiscal disaster zone. Mr. Warner, a businessman elected on the strength of his credentials as a pragmatist, had to clean up the mess. That he did, helped along the way by Mr. Kaine and harassed by Mr. Kilgore. And now comes Mr. Kilgore, in a sunnier economic season, preaching the Gilmore gospel that Virginians can have it all. It's a pipe dream.


This race isn't a hard call. Mr. Kilgore is a pleasant fellow, down to earth and politically shrewd. But the bottom line is what he represents: old-style, doctrinaire, unimaginative, cramped governance that would leave the state stalled in neutral, at best. Mr. Kaine -- forthright, proactive, inclusive, brimming with energy -- is a far better candidate possessed of much clearer vision. He alone has the potential for excellence.

Posted by crimnos @ 7:02 PM