Monday, November 21, 2005
The War on Christmas: AFA Demands Boycott Over No "Merry Christmas"
I was wondering how long it would take for the AFA to jump in on this whole shebang, and now my questions have been answered from on high, with a resounding, clarion call to action from the AFA. Oh, you Christian Majority. When WON’T your ridiculous persecution complex bring me hilarity?AFA Founder Urges Pro-Family Holiday Season Shoppers to Shun Target
By Ed Thomas
November 18, 2005
(AgapePress) - The American Family Association (AFA) wants help from the shopping public in using the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday weekend to keep sending a message to Target Stores about the national chain's faith-and-family-unfriendly practices.
AFA chairman Donald E. Wildmon says it is important that the organization's current boycott against Target, which started in October, keep hurting the company's bottom line -- that is, the amount of money made -- especially during the biggest shopping weekend of the year. He is hoping a strong message from the pro-family shopping public will help convince Target to change some of its policies.
The reasons for the boycott are valid ones, Wildmon asserts, and they include Target's "refusal to let the Salvation Army put their kettles in front of the stores," and the company's policy "banning all use of 'Merry Christmas' in their internal store operations and in their advertising." He says Target wants the profits from Christian families' spending, but the retailer does not want their holiday message or the spirit of their charities -- including faith-based service organizations like the Salvation Army.
That is why the AFA spokesman feels it is essential that projected sales at Target stores nationwide and the value of the company's shares continue dropping, as a recent USA Today report indicates they have. He says the newspaper article revealed that Target's new store revenue and stock value have both taken a hit over the last year.
"They are a good bit lower in their sales in November than they had expected," Wildmon notes. "In fact, it's so bad that on Tuesday of this week, their stock dropped seven percent in one day." The Christian activist believes these low numbers are likely due in large part to the boycott, and he wants to see the trend continue.
It is important, Wildmon asserts, that the upcoming monster Thanksgiving shopping weekend and Christmas season be used to show Target that it cannot get Christians' purchasing revenue while rejecting their beliefs and their charities. He is encouraging pro-family shoppers to take their money elsewhere until Target gets the message and changes its policies.
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Okay, now im shopping at Target this weekend FOR REAL! I might even buy food from there.
*groan* These people...
Where on earth did this "persecution complex" come from?!? That stores are closed on Easter and Christmas isn't enough?