Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Why I Want to Leave Virginia

I simply cannot believe that a proposal to ban same-sex marriage is not only going to the ballot but received unanimous approval from the state legislature. Vile (and yes, I realize this vote reflects an intention to show the entire text of the amendment, not the intention itself, but I've only heard the vote numbers on WAMU):

Measure's full text may go on ballot Both sides say plan, now before Kaine, needs more than summary


A bill that would place on the Nov. 7 ballot the entire wording of a proposed Constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage is on its way to the governor's office.

The House of Delegates yesterday unanimously approved the measure -- which the Senate backed 40-0 last week -- that would put the full text, and not just a summary, before voters this fall.

Putting the amendment's full language on the ballot "has never been done before," said Del. John A. Cosgrove, R-Chesapeake, the bill's sponsor. "However, there were those going around saying, 'Oh, we're trying to hide something' or 'We're trying to pull the wool over somebody's eyes.' And that's just not the case."

Opponents of the amendment have contended that voters require more than a summary because they need to realize they are also deciding whether to ban civil unions and possibly outlaw legal contracts between all unmarried couples.

"The first step of our campaign is to make sure Virginians know exactly what the amendment will mean," said Dyana Mason, executive director of Equality Virginia, the state's largest gay-rights organization.

Gov. Timothy M. Kaine prefers that the full text appear on the ballot, said spokesman Kevin Hall, but he still holds concern about the amendment's "unintended consequences."

Eighteen states have approved measures declaring marriage as between one man and one woman.

"As long as the ballot question reflects the actual amendment, I think the people of Virginia will approve it," said Chris Freund of the Family Foundation of Virginia.

Posted by crimnos @ 8:51 AM

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They are trying a similar ban here in Colorado. :(

Posted by Blogger Handsome B. Wonderful @ 12:56 PM #
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