Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Hurrrrrrrr: TN State Rep Claims Gays Will Adopt Kids To Fuck Them


So readers, I have a challenge for you. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find either:

A) An equally stupid statement by a higher-placed government official.


B) A stupider statement by an equally placed government official.

And no volunteering G H W Bush's quotes about athiests.

Some Gay Couples Adopt to Molest, State Rep Says
Posted: 3/27/2006 10:57:00 PM
Updated: 3/27/2006 11:06:32 PM

Some Gay Couples Adopt to Molest, State Rep Says

Rep. Debra Maggart, R-Hendersonville, said she still believes homosexual couples should not be allowed to adopt children. In fact, in addition to e-mail correspondence with a master’s student at Vanderbilt publicized recently, in which she said as much, she has also said homosexual couples may molest the children they adopt.

"We also have seen evidence that homosexual couples prey on young males and have, in some instances, adopted them in order to have unfretted access to subject them to a life of molestation and sexual abuse," she said.

“In all cases to paint with a broad brush strokes is unfortunate,” said adoptive parent Dr. Christopher Harris.

Harris is a pediatrician by day and a single gay adoptive parent by night.

“She brings such joy into my life,” he said. “It's always said pediatrician doesn’t finished his training till he or she has a kid.”

Harris fits every requirement for the state's definition of a good adoptive parent: loving, healthy and financially stable. He is also gay, and for Maggert, that means he's unqualified.

“I have strong convictions. I just feel kids in our foster have been through enough. They need the optimum family unit, and that is a mother and a father," she said.

In the e-mail with the Vanderbilt student, Maggart said research shows most homosexual couples have numerous emotional dysfunctions and psychological issues that may not be healthy for children.

A lot of debate has circled around the evidence on whether gay adoptions are good for kids.

Harris said a career in pediatrics has shown children of gay and lesbian parents turn out just fine.

Maggert said it's just the opposite, and the research she's read comes from a variety of sources, including the ACLU and Focus on the Family, a Christian group.

The gay adoption bill is still in the House committee on children and family affairs and has several more steps before lawmakers can take a vote.

Posted by crimnos @ 8:28 AM