Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Investigation into Wiretapping Stillborn
Great job, Congress. You're doing a real bang-up job of representing the will of the Bush Admin...I mean, American people. I just weep. From Kos:The Senate Intelligence Committee voted today not to investigate the crimes of President George W. Bush. Instead, it will create a subcommittee for "oversight" of the illegal eavesdropping program. Senator Snowe was telling Americans as of Friday that yes, she would vote in favor of the Senator Rockefeller's proposal to conduct a full inquiry into the program. Today, she voted against it. Senator Rockefeller had this to say after the committee's vote:
``This committee is basically under control of the White House,'' Rockefeller told reporters after the two-hour meeting today in Washington. ``It's an unprecedented bout of political pressure from the White House.''
Unprecedented indeed. The administration is threatening members of Congress, it is strong-arming them like never before--in short, like a cornered animal it has pulled out every last stop, every last fang and growl to dissuade Congress from investigating this matter. The inference is obvious: the more fervent the desire to cover up, the more heinous the crime.
This is not just a surveillance program. This is not just data-mining. There is something much greater here beneath the surface, an action that not only runs afoul our Constitutional rights, but that undermines the very core of our democracy.
This is not the end of the road. Attorney General Gonzales is likely to be recalled to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Several lawsuits are well underway. And when the truth is exposed, Senator Snowe, Senator Hagel, and every Republican member of Congress who has assisted in this cover-up will be exposed as aiders and abetters to one of the most fundamental betrayals of the American people.
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does this show just who bush might be wiretapping?
some that have spoke out strongly suddenly change positions?
wonder what they have to hide?
does this show just who bush might be wiretapping?
some that have spoke out strongly suddenly change positions?
wonder what they have to hide?
Good point, kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it?