Thursday, August 24, 2006

A touching story of a Katrina victim taking a chance and meeting Bush

From the Something Awful Forums (stay with it after the story, it gets BETTER):

Katrina Victim: 'The Job's Not Done'
New Orleans Resident Arrives at White House to Ask Bush for Help Rebuilding

WASHINGTON, Aug. 23, 2006 — - President Bush was visited today by a Hurricane Katrina victim who drove to Washington in a FEMA trailor as a pointed reminder of the rebuilding that remains to be done nearly a year after the storm battered the region.

Rocky Vaccarrella, 41, traveled from Lousiana and through the Gulf Coast to the capital with the intention of meeting the president. The St. Bernards Parish resident lost his home last year when the storm hit New Orleans.

Vaccarella said he wanted to thank Bush for the federally provided trailers that have provided temporary housing to many in the region who lost homes, but also to keep the pressure on.

"I wanted to remind the president that the job's not done and he knows that," Vaccarell said. "I just don't want the government and President Bush to forget about us."

Bush spoke on the South Lawn of the White House after meeting in the Oval Office with Vaccarella. The president cautioned against placing too much importance on the first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina's Gulf Coast strike, saying a long, sustained rebuilding effort is still needed.

"It's a time to remember that people suffered and it's a time to recommit ourselves to helping them," Bush said. "But I also want people to remember that a one-year anniversary is just that, because it's going to require a long time to help these people rebuild."

A day earlier, the Bush administration's Gulf Coast coordinator, Don Powell, said $44 billion has been spent to get the still-battered region back on its feet. A far larger sum -- more than $110 billion -- has been designated for the massive rebuilding project. Of that money, approximately $17 billion will help rebuild an estimated 204,000 homes in Louisiana and Mississippi.

Oh God, that's so touching. Vaccarella even called for another Bush term. You can read about it in all 386 related articles covered by all the major news outlets »

And now, wow, What are the odds.....

The Shocking twist revealed
Rockey Vaccarella is a Republican supporter, failed GOP candidate, and had the date to meet with the president for dinner already written down on his schedule before such an event happened.

At least he was a real Katrina Victim, that isn't faked. I am shocked they couldn't find a black man or woman though. Is an upper class rich white guy from New Orleans still supporting Bush the best PR coup they could pull off. Worse that all the news orgs ate it up.

Posted by crimnos @ 8:48 AM