Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Oh snap: ABC producer says network to name names in Foley scandal

Check this out!

ABC producer says network to name names in Foley scandal

Published: Tuesday October 3, 2006

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ABC will soon report who had knowledge of the Mark Foley page scandal, and when they became aware of it, RAW STORY has learned.

In an interview with DemocracyNow, ABC's Maddy Sauer shared some startling facts about the story.

Pages have, according to Sauer, been able to produce instant message conversations going back as far as five years. Some of them are reportedly sexually explicit.

The FBI, Sauer claims, will be interviewing pages starting today.

Sauer also indicated that ABC's next wave of reports on the Foley scandal will focus on who in Congress was aware of the situation, how much they knew, and when they were alerted.

Posted by crimnos @ 5:02 PM