Monday, September 26, 2005
The Poll Tax Returneth
First note: Cindy Sheehan was JUST arrested in front of the White House. Developing...Heard about this on the Thom Hartmann show, and I'm shocked. The Republicans in Georgia are now pushing to require a driver's license or State ID card in order to vote. How much do they cost? $25. Who is least likely to have a driver's license or State ID? The poor. So, no money, no ID, no vote.
How is this not a poll tax? Read about it at the ACLU.
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oh f*n christ! I finished the new biography of Medgar Evers on the plane...and now this...
I know...I'm surprised I hadn't heard about this case until today.
Yeah, I heard that they kept Cindy for a long time and in hand cuffs the whole time!!!
Fucking Fascists!!